TCA and Best Execution Reporting

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Your complete TCA provider

Actionable real-time TCA with Quod’s multi-asset platform. Our real-time analytics solution enables you to monitor and analyze in-depth execution performance - with ML capabilities to convert TCA market outputs into practical changes in your OMS/EMS.

Pre-trade and Post-trade analysis

Quod Financial's Transaction Cost Analysis (TCA) solution, known as AEP (Analytical Execution Performance), offers both post-trade and instantly exploitable pre-trade analysis of executions. This powerful tool provides comprehensive analysis and insights for clients, traders, and quants, allowing them to assess execution performance, identify areas for improvement, and make informed decisions to optimize trading strategies.

Accurate Data Capture

AEP TCA/Analytics effectively handles the complexity of big data, providing near or real-time insights for actionable decisions. With its powerful dashboard, it offers the best tool for monitoring overall trading activities and gaining a comprehensive understanding of every single order execution. The dashboard provides valuable information and visualizations that enable users to track and analyze trading performance efficiently.

Order by Order

  • Our platform offers a descriptive and comprehensive audit trail of the order lifecycle, presented in plain English.
  • It provides a detailed, step-by-step breakdown of the decision-making process, along with the context of each decision, including relevant market snapshots.
  • We attach relevant benchmarks such as Slippage, Calculated VWAP (Volume-Weighted Average Price), and Spread-capture to assess and determine the execution performance. These benchmarks allow for a thorough evaluation of the order execution against industry-standard metrics, aiding in performance analysis and optimization.

Global View

  • Venue latency
  • Venue hit ratio
  • Rejection rate
  • Spread / Spread capture
  • Broker algorithm performance monitoring
  • Venue toxicity

TCA / Best Execution Report

TCA / Best execution and Benchmarking are critical for regulatory reporting. Quod AEP uniquely provides the intelligence to immediately use analysis for real-time trading, as well as viewing overall execution performance.

  • Receive benchmarks and 3rd party reference data.
  • Seamlessly integrate external and 3rd party information, both to provide report benchmarks and also to export TCA data to other providers.
  • Our persistent data store has full access to data via ITK, FIX, and API.

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next-gen trading tool?

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